Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the spirit and the letter

Last week I got perfect points, but I felt pretty yucky. This proved to me that it's possible to live the letter of the law even while the spirit languishes. We were away from home and I was away from my food routine; I ate stuffing three days in a row. Enough said.

I'm feeling so much better since I got back home. And I'm so imporessed by your commitment and accomplishment! It seems everyone is doing really well.  I can't wait to see how the points shake out for week two. And, for those of you who are sharing your food journals, I'm excited to see what healthy foods you enjoy this week.

My food yesterday:

Banana with peanut butter

Kashi Cereal w/soy milk
Carrots - about two servings
Handful of whole grain crackers
Homemade veggie pizza w/whole wheat crust

Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 3 Already!

Can you believe that we have started our 3rd week of the challenge?  I Can't.
I figured that this challenge would seem to go quicker for me, because there's a lot more going on with the Holidays and everything.
I was so excited to get off the scale this morning to see a 3 pd loss! I figured it might be a gain if anything!
I honestly never thought that I would be able to say that I enjoy being Healthy, and I know that I'm still so far from my "Dream Goal Weight", but I realize that with these healthy steps, I'm closer to a healthier life than I was last year at this time.
I know that if we can stick to these challenge goals, even after the challenge, that we will be healthier and I know for me when I'm healthier, I feel happier!
You are all such a great support system. Thanks

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Great Expectations

If you'd like to hear about the trip and some new developments concerning our family, click on the link below.
The Nichols Nut House

I hope that everyone is recovering nicely from the holiDAY. :D

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wii Power

While running my 10K indoors yesterday (it was FRIGID out there!) I pulled a groin muscle.  Seriously, ow.  Anyway.....today I just couldn't bring myself to attempt a run or do a boot camp workout.  So, my girls talked me into (it didn't take much) playing Wii Just Dance 2 with them.  Holy sweaty-cardio-calorie-burn batman!  We danced for an hour to songs like, "Jump, Jump", "I've got the Power", "Rasputin", etc, etc.  So much fun and now I feel like I need a nap.  Maybe I'll try a boot camp tomorrow.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

So Thankful

Today, I am grateful for so much!
I realize that during the holiday's we focus on being grateful, and showing our gratitude more than normal.
The last several months, I have tried to see the blessings in my daily life and it's amazing to to see how blessed I am.  Right now I'm so grateful for the health challenge, because since the beginning of January I made a goal to lose weight, and so I started dieting and then in August I joined Kali's Health challenge so with diet and the Health challenge, I've lost almost 60 pds. I gained a few back and am happy to be back on track and losing again. I love feeling healthy and am so grateful to be on the blue team with all of you!
Thanks for all the support and let's continue to make healthy choices.
If you haven't had the chance to see the clip on Lds.org.  It's called In the Spirit of Thanksgiving. It's Great!
I hope that you all had a wonderful day with family, friends and good food!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm soooooo glad I didn't screw up the week for the team!!  Whew!  I'm still on track and haven't lost any points.  I'm supposed to run a 10K Feed the Hungry race tomorrow morning, but it looks like we'll have temps of -5 to 5F (before windchill) and I don't think I'm brave enough to freeze these turkey thighs.  A friend suggested running the distance on the treadmill and being there in spirit.  I'm starting to think that's a pretty smart girl. :D  It's not quite the same (or at all), but at least my registration money is going to a good cause, right?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

snow day - and a happy Thanksgiving to all!

Work was canceled today because of the weather. I had some work things to get done before leaving town for the holiday, but I must say I was happy to stay at home. I slept, at some healthy food, read, ignored the chores I could have done, and now I'm baking a pumpkin cheesecake for Thanksgiving.

A lot of people have mentioned Thanksgiving as a day of impending doom in terms of the contest, but I don't think of it that way at all. Ever since I have learned to cook and garden, it has been my favorite holiday, and I usually spend the entire day in the kitchen cooking and basking in the aroma of the vegetables, herbs, and spices. I am grateful for many, many things, and one of those things is the bounty of this earth. I am reminded of the incredible variety of creation when I grow my own food and create something wonderful from it, and Thanksgiving gives me a chance to focus on it. I love it.

Like many of you, I have stuffed myself silly with Thanksgiving feasting in times past, and I'm certainly not planning to do that this year. I know I'll enjoy it more if I don't feel disgusted afterward. We can all remember that at this harvest celebration, the vegetables should be the star of the show, so let them be. I know those vegetables may be swimming in copious amounts of butter, but if you are making a dish to contribute, you can make it a healthier version than you might have otherwise.  This year Clark and I are contributing stuffing that will be chock full of colorful vegetables and a Brussels' sprouts dish. I can hardly wait!

A Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

indoor exercise

Clark and I discovered some exercise videos available to watch instantly on Netflix! We did "Pick your level: weight loss pilates" and it was a pretty good workout. If don't want to brave the Idaho blizzard and you have Netflix, you may want to give it a try.


So in case you don't live in Idaho Falls, I thought I'd share that we have SO MUCH SNOW!!
I'm not particularly pleased about it, but I have lived here long enough to know that, that's what Idaho winter's are like. It really is so pretty, but it's so Cold.
I knew I was going to miss being able to do some of my exercise outside when it got cold,  but today I went out and shoveled and boy was I tired when I was done, the snow was so wet and heavy. I could get really buff  muscles from lifting snow like that all winter :)

Well it sounds like from Kali's e-mail that our Blue team did pretty good this past week with weight loss.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Glimpses at my Success Story

I'm too tired from traveling to think too hard about summarizing my life this past year and half, so here are some links to my blog that may help you understand where I've been.  I really just need to sit down and write it all out in one spot, but that day is not today. (I also don't know why everything seems to be in caps.  But, as I mentioned before...too tired to do anything about it today.) So if you are interested, you're welcome to follow the links and read on.  You may also feel free to ask any questions you may have concerning my journey.  The cha-cha-changes picture is not at my goal weight, but close.  I may post my before picture when I get it from my hubby's computer. :D

1st Half August 2009

2nd Half April 2010



Last May my husband took me to the 2nd Chance Prom and we thought we looked pretty good.

This May he took me again (wearing same outfits, because well...we're cheap) and well you decide...

Thank you very much EATING WELL & EXERCISE!!!

exercise - being a pedestrian

I live in a great area of Idaho Falls that is close to a greenbelt and the small downtown area, and it is so fun to explore on foot. I notice the loveliest things about the seasons and feel more a part of my community when I walk. I find being a pedestrian very satisfying. It just takes a little rethinking to realize all the places I often drive to that I could easily get to by walking.

This fall we often walked to the movies, the farmers' market, and the food co-op. We even rode our bikes to the grocery store a few times and to work many times. Last Monday, we tromped through the freshly fallen snow to the library and had so much fun.

Even though rigorous exercise is best for increasing endurance and heart-health, incidental exercise is still exercise, and it adds up in terms of health, wellness, and calories burned.

Success Stories

Something I find very helpful when I am working on losing weight is reading the success stories of other folks that have had success. This blog features countless features on people that have lost weight and kept it off. And you know how they did it? Good old-fashioned exercise and healthy eating.


I recommend looking over it whenever things sound hard. It is good to know that people have done what we are doing. Perhaps one day one of us will be featured on the blog!


PS: 199 points last week. Anyone beat me?

Looking forward to week 2!

Hello blues,

I'm excited to report that I'm down 3 pounds (a drop in the bucket - I have a BIG bucket), but a good start. I didn't realize that we had a "free" day for exercise and sweets, so I made a point to get my 1/2 hour in even when I didn't have to. Succumbed to pumpkin pie at lunch one day and on Sunday a small bowl of sherbet, but overall, I think the addiction element is pretty much gone. I feel so much better!

I find myself feeling pretty unthreatened by Thanksgiving food - we are keeping it small and I'm doing the cooking, so it should be fairly easy and relaxing.

Hope all of you enjoy this time with family and friends. Stay strong!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

As of this post, I have 100% of my points for the week. I already knew that a whole "sugar day" could be tricky (and yet lovely at the same time - sigh). Yesterday was mine. The day ended at a dance with a smorgasbord of sugar. Seriously, all the things I love (okay, there wasn't ice cream) on a three buffet long refreshment table. The happy ending to this story is that I had a little of each and then decided that I had worked far too hard this week to blow it all in one night.

This next week poses a higher curve. But, 'never say die' is my mantra. I totally lucked out on Priceline with the hotel we are in. They have an exercise room. So I'm taking my exercise instructor daughter down with me each morning. My friend and teammate Mary Ann and I also talked and laughed that I could run around the restaurants for 15 minutes while the boys ate inside during the travel part of this week. I've done crazier things - and am quite competitive.

My 'cool foods that help' today is Extra sugar free 'dessert' gum. It helps you not put things in your mouth while you are preparing Thanksgiving dinner, the mint ice cream and key lime pie flavors are yummy, you can chew it in the car while you travel, and you won't have iguana breath while chewing.

Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the Big Easy (New Orleans)

I'm finally back online-ish while waiting for the flight that will take me back to Salt Lake and home to Idaho tomorrow.  Why, yes, I am the team member who is the big slacker this week!  My name is, Dianne, and I have done several challenges over the past year (hosting a few myself) and am just finishing up my reward vacation!!  It was amazing and well worth all the effort to earn it.  I haven't and probably won't get the chance to catch up on all the communication with the team.  I do have to say I'M SO EXCITED for the enthusiasm I'm seeing in the team!!  I, too, love to win and NEED this challenge to recover from this past week.  Funny thing, I'm actually craving my normal food and healthy habits.  I can't wait to get back into the swing of things again (yes, I am probably a little crazy).  Anyway, I want you all to know that I promise, no double promise, that I will be back on track and pulling 100% for the team this coming week.  I'm excited to get to know each of you and THANK YOU for the blog!!  Best of Luck for tomorrow's weigh-in!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Let the Trash Talking Begin

Lynette Wilson appears to be talking a lot with the competition (at least to Stacy and Kevin), and she says her whole team is totally committed and they are going to win.  Well, I'm fine with her doing a little trash talking.  Let's let our actions speak louder than her words.  The holidays are coming up, and let's be honest, even the most committed people slip up from time to time.  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  We have to stick with this for the full eight weeks--and hopefully even beyond that.  Many people lose motivation about halfway through, and with the holidays hitting us throughout the challenge, we have to really do our best and help one another to stay strong and committed to our healthy lifestyle, even when it's really hard.  I know we can do it.  Some teams will be really strong at the start, but their points will taper off as the weeks go on.  We won't be one of those teams!  We will be as strong or stronger at the end of this competition as we are right now.  Pick yourself up when you make a mistake, and recommit to getting every point you can.  If you use an extenuating circumstance to rationalize your less-than-perfect behavior, you will find it much easier to rationalize losing points the next week or even the next day.  Don't make excuses, and live every day with purpose and direction.  We want to be healthy individuals, and that is achieved by making small, seemingly insignificant choices to be healthy each and every day.  GO BLUE!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Eat those veggies

I've survived day 5 (why are days like that?). The final straw was that the heating element in my oven split right in two and so my chicken vegetable dinner lovingly sits in the fridge and we ate at Wendy's. I love that place. Salads, chili, baked potatoes and food that satisfies the men-folk as well. Makes me glad not to be a pioneer.

I've seen a couple of posts requesting some 'getting veggies down' ideas. I might not be the best person for this because I love veggies. I can just and eat carrots by the handfuls. However, I can totally relate to the whole winter is cold-veggies taste better hot camp. So here is my 'cool foods that helps' of the day - a recipe that is surprisingly good and has basically only veggies to it. It is like next to nothing in calories (as long as you are wise with the broth). Usually I eat easily two cups = 4 veggies (okay there is the broth = probably 3 1/2 veggies)
My two teenage boys like it but have informed me that they could starve to death eating it, (but then again it takes a side of beef to get them full) sooo I make a batch and keep half in the fridge for me right away and put the rest in lunch sized portioned zip-lock bags in the freezer. Fast, easy, no thinking involved.
P.S. Don't leave out the cabbage. Weirdly, it totally makes the soup.

Weight Watchers Garden Vegetable Soup

2/3 cup sliced carrot
1/2 cup diced onion
2 garlic cloves
3 cups broth (beef, chicken, or vegetable)
1 1/2 cup diced green cabbage
1/2 cup green beans
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup diced zucchini

In a large saucepan, sprayed with nonstick cooking spray, saute carrot, onion, and garlic over low heat until softened, about 5 minutes. Add broth, cabbage, beans, tomato paste, basil, oregano, and salt; bring to a boil.

Lower heat and simmer, covered about 15 minutes or until beans are tender. Stir in zucchini and heat 3-4 minutes. Serve hot.


I have looked forward to Friday all week!! I'm not sure why,  because I have a MILLION things to do today and tomorrow. Tomorrow is our unofficial Super Saturday "Craft Day" at church and I'm in charge of making sure it all goes well. YIKES. No Stress :)
This week has been good, and although my body is sore, I know that I will feel better after getting back into the routine of exercising, eating healthy and all the other important things that this challenge does for us!
So yesterday was my treat day and although I didn't go to crazy, I did eat some sugar and it was good, I'm not gonna lie, but when I got in bed I felt pretty yucky. I know that it wasn't all from that, but it really goes to show that even a few days of Healthy eating makes a  Big difference.
I have realized though how easy it can be to almost toss a treat in without thinking about it. Or grab something after nine. There have been a few close calls,but so far so good!
I am looking forward to week 2's challenge. Eating breakfast has never been my thing, I have to be to work by 6:30A.M.  (YUCK!) and so eating that early is just hard for me, but the last couple of weeks I've been taking some medicine when I get up and I have to eat something after 30 minutes of taking it, so I've been forced to grab some fruit or something to eat. I can tell that when I eat breakfast even if it's only some fruit I feel better.
Probably more than you all care to hear!
Anyways Have a great Friday night everyone and work hard to get those points this weekend!!!
Hi team!! I've been a little MIA this week because I've been crazy busy and haven't made it to my computer. I do get my emails on my phone, so I've been keeping up with those of you who have sent out emails!!! It's just too time consuming to try to blog from my phone, so I only get around to it occasionally!

I know almost all of you, but for those of you who I don't know, my name is Valerie and I am married to Justin. Kevin is my brother, Kali is my sister in law, I know Stacy, Lindsay and Suzanne from either book club or the 4th ward and Dianne is my friend, "neighbor" and work out buddy!!! I'm so excited to be doing this challenge and am looking forward to getting to know the rest of you!!!

I have been doing these challenges now for over a year and had finally made it down to my goal weight when I got pregnant. I am due in 5 weeks and have been so grateful that I have continued to exercise and eat (mostly) healthy during this pregnancy. I definitely feel better than I ever did when I was pregnant with my other children! These challenges are the best motivator for me. It helps me drag my rear out of bed at 6 am to exercise because I need the points for my team, and it helps me say "no" to treats that I would normally consume (in large quantities!). Basically, I'm saying I have no self control or will power unless I'm participating in a challenge!!! Oh well, whatever works, right?

I also want to throw my name into the "sugar addict" club. I love candy, cake, cookies, brownies, etc, etc, etc. I did notice that the first three days of the week, I felt incredibly lethargic, sick and fuzzy headed. I know it was because I went cold turkey off the sugar. Luckily, I have been feeling much better the last few days, and have had LOTS more energy!!! I still don't understand why I hate to exercise and eat healthy when I feel so good when I do!

Anyway, enough blabbing!!! Just wanted to let you all know that I'm here and working hard for the team. Justin's actually doing a great job too (but I can pretty much guarantee you'll never see him here on the blog)!


Harry Potter and the Silly Snacks

Last night at about 8pm, Clark and I decided on a whim that we would to go to the midnight showing of Harry Potter. So, we ate a bowl of broccoli, took a nap, and left for the show just after 11. The reason I am telling you this, dear teammates, is because we each lost two points for eating after nine. We were trying to live the letter of the law by waiting until after midnight. I even brought/sneaked water, apples, and mandarin oranges into the movie theater. But after we picked up some snacks at the grocery store, I absentmindedly put some food to my mouth, chewed, and swallowed. Clark did the same. I noticed the clock read 11:15. And then, my dears, it was too late. Otherwise, we are both at perfect points for the week.

On a happier note, I took my "day off" yesterday, also on a whim because Clark brought home some deluxe cupcakes he got at a work meeting. They looked too good to pass up, and it would have been near tragedy to let them get stale, so we saved them from a terrible fate by eating them. What can I say? We are altruistic by nature. :-)

Starting the "day off" after 6pm made it so I didn't go crazy in my selection of sugary substances. I highly recommend it.

Also, Harry Potter was awesome.

Have a great weekend!

The Games we Play

Hello all - I'm so glad to know we all struggle with similar things. Last night, I was truly white-knuckling it to keep from getting a bowl of sherbet. The refrigerator was calling and I wanted to answer. However, instead I had some sugar-free hot chocolate and read for awhile.

In the absense of sugar, carbohydrates take on a whole new aura of temptation, and I confess, I have answered the call more often than not. Maybe this is just part of the weaning process, but I know I won't lose any significant amount of weight unless I can get a grip on it.

I'd like some ideas for quick and easy vegetable consumption. Although I love salads in the summer, they just don't appeal to me when the weather gets cold. Noshing on celery sticks also gets old pretty fast . . .

Thanks to all of you for your posts and emails!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tip of the Day

Today I remembered something that I want to share with my wonderful team, so I'll call it my tip of the day:  "Too much of a good thing is not a good thing anymore."  I have discovered that I love whole wheat bread, whole grain / high fiber crackers, and a "healthy" snack I grew up eating called energy balls.  Unfortunately, when I get going on any of the above, I cannot stop eating them and eventually consume way too many calories.  So I have to make sure I don't even have them in the house.  I made energy balls (a concoction of peanut butter, honey, wheat germ, and dry milk mixed together and rolled into 1" balls) yesterday, and I have eaten far too many of them today.  They are as good as dessert when I'm on a challenge.  I need to throw them away!  Hope you all have had more willpower than me today.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blogging is Good

I have had a hectic week and hadn't taken the time to get on the blog...until tonight.  When the email was pretty quiet today, I decided to see what was happening on the blog.  You all have been very busy.  And it's great!

I want to thank Anita for her "cool food that helps" the last couple of days.  I picked up some sandwich thins at Sam's tonight, and I'm already salivating over the egg sandwich I get to have tomorrow morning.  And thanks Lindsay for setting up the blog.  Also, thanks to Lindsay for reminding me how much I love smoothies and for reminding me how much better food tastes when I'm on a challenge.

I want to concur with Anita's observation that it's easier to get your water in early in the day.  I also try to have half my water down before, during, and after my 45 minutes of exercise.  Then I only have four more cups to go, and that's a cinch if I just put some water on the table with each meal.

Wendy, I commend you for doing this challenge.  Many success stories have come from these types of health challenges, but I'll tell you about my mother-in-law who did the last challenge: She has had high blood pressure for as long as I can remember and takes daily medication for it.  She started having some serious health problems during the last challenge, and when she went to the doctor, he told her to stop taking all of her medications for a while.  For the final six weeks of the challenge, she was not taking any medications, including her Rx for high blood pressure.  However, she continued on the challenge, which included exercise and all the rules you're obeying.  Now, her idea of exercise and mine are two very different things.  But she made a big effort to do something that exerted herself to get her exercise points each day.  Sometimes she pulled weeds and worked in the garden.  Other days she went walking up and down her driveway (I can't think of anything more boring, but whatever!).  A week or two after the challenge was over, she went to another doctor for some ailment she was having, and the nurse there checked her blood pressure.  Her blood pressure was in the normal range, which it hasn't been for years.  What I am saying is that living a healthy lifestyle has many long-term benefits.  Try to find activities that you can do to exert yourself without antagonizing your knee.  Keep at it, and I promise you'll eventually see great results.

Stacy, I am feeling really bad that you were locked out of your house this morning.  When I took the kids to school, they even commented, "Wow!  Stacy's sure raking her leaves early today."  And then to find out that you were locked out, I feel like a terrible friend for not stopping to see what was up.  Well, I hope you didn't catch cold and that you have a terrific birthday and sweets day tomorrow!

Suzanne, I was happy to see your comments on the blog even though you haven't actually posted anything.  Thanks, everyone, for your inspirational blogs.

Testing, testing

Fabulous Blue Team,

I've also never participated in a blog before. So hope it goes well.

Day three went good, good. (with the one exception of wanting to bite into ANYTHING with chocolate - I did finally have to find some sugar-free hot chocolate)

The 'cool foods that helps' today is laughing cow spreadable light cheese wedges. Reasons I love them, they taste a lot like cream cheese, spread on sandwiches great, have three flavors (basil and sun-dried tomato is my fav), help the vegetables stick to the bread so the sandwich stays together, 35 calories. I also get these in bulk at Sams. I've also seen them in groc. stores.

Lindsay, thanks for setting this up.

Everyone is doing great! I love reading about all your triumphs. GO Team.

It's Wednesday

Hey Blue Team!
I'm pretty new to blogging myself. I created a blog for myself recently because I figured journal keeping is important and I wasn't doing it and was forgetting things so I figured I'd give it a try . Pretty fun, So Thanks Lindsay for hooking our team up with this fun blog!!!
I, like Clark made a cake on Sunday to enjoy one last time and although it tasted good, my family didn't get it all eaten so Now I get to watch them enjoy it. Dumb Idea. OH WELL!
I have also found that once I start eating Healthy again, I remember just how much I love Fruit, not so much veggies! As I ate my orange this morning I thought this is so Sweet and yummy. Being Healthy isn't always easy but it really is so beneficial!!
You are all great! Keep up the good work! Way to go Lindsay on your Weight loss so far!!

the sugar shakedown

Wow. I'm impressed that Stacey didn't cave in to cake at her work birthday party.

On Sunday night Clark made cookies as a last hurrah before we started the challenge once again. They were delicious, but it really wasn't a 'treat' because we'd been having sugar all along - since about a week after the last challenge ended. Licorice. Cake. Candy. and all manner of deliciosity. But those days are over, and I'm glad. I find that once my body is purged of the stuff, other food tastes better. Fruit is sweeter. Vegetables taste better. Last night I could even taste the sweetness of my broccoli. Yum.

Without the refined sugar in my diet, my body seems to metabolize differently. It has only been a few days, and I've already lost a couple pounds - make that re-lost; I'd gained a few since the last challenge. I'm excited to continue the sugar cleansing and feel even better.

And lastly, a happy birthday to you, Stacey! If you want, you can come on over and we'll put some candles in your steamed carrots. Good job :)

I'm on!

With a little help from Lindsay, our blogging "hostess," I've managed to create an account and join the blog. I've never blogged in the past and may not engage too much using this modality, but its a start. I always enjoy reading what others have written.

Lindsay reminded me of the value of green smoothies, which I was drinking for awhile this summer, but I like the idea of softening them with some fruit and milk, which I wasn't doing. For those who haven't tried them, spinach, kale, and parsley all have a sweet, fresh taste to them that is entirely unexpected when eaten raw.

Thanks to Clark, I may start thinking of myself as Mama Smurf :).

Have a good week,


Monday, November 15, 2010

On the Cusp of Greatness

J.Clark here, of Blue Team. I live in Idaho Falls with my Lindsay and my cat.

You know, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and I believe that it is no coincidence that our team color is blue. I believe this for 3 reasons.

REASON ONE: The Smurfs are blue.
And remember how the Smurfs all worked together as a team to make good things happen? Just like we will work together to make sure we get all our points and lose weight? Good.

REASON TWO: The Blue Team
(classic Italian championship bridge team)

Who can forget the team that won sixteen international titles from 1957 to 1975? We are standing on the shoulders of giants.

REASON THREE: The Sears Blue Crew

These guys are cool, except they don't have faces.

OK kids, let's have a near-perfect first week. And don't eat a lot of fried stuff to make up for the sugar you've grown used to eating.


green smoothie revolution

One of my favorite ways to get my greens is in liquid form with a bunch of delicious, natural sugars. That's right, there's spinach in my smoothie. During the last 8-week challenge I had a green smoothie almost every morning. It's a great way to start my day with a serving of greens and one or two servings of fruit.

How to make one:

Start with a banana or other soft fruit (avocado!) and some soy/almond/cow milk. Put in a bunch of greens (spinach, kale, chard - remember, a cup is a serving).  Puree until the mixture is green and no longer leafy. Put in some frozen fruit until the smoothie is the desired consistency. If the color scares you or the small children you are trying to convince, you can use blackberries and blueberries to cover up the green. The avocado may sound gross, but it creates a really nice texture and the fat in it can help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins.