Friday, December 31, 2010

more small successes

I'm wearing my skinny jeans today, the ones I could wear before my thyroid got messed up a few years ago. I fished them out from a box under the bed this morning.

Happy New Year to me.

And to you. Thanks for your inspiration and support.
Have a great night!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Small Successes

I ran 3.1 miles this morning!  It felt good, even if it isn't an amazing distance.  My goal is to run that distance a minimum of 1x/week and run 2 other days according to how my body feels.  If I only make it 1.5 mi, so be it.  Then I'll make my other workout days strength training and throw in a yoga stretch every now and again.  With this I'm hoping to not become an elephant (again) during this pregnancy (with both of my kids I gained 60 lbs) and hopefully keep up somewhat with my fitness level so I don't feel like I have to start again from the ground up after delivery.  I did get some disappointing, yet hopeful news.  Same news, two views.  Pregnancy has spurred my thyroid into under activity (I know, weird) and thus I'm gaining more than intended, I'm more fatigued and I'm terribly irritable.  BUT, I've started on meds that should help a lot of these symptoms and that is good news to me!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Fruit and Veggie Bonus

WOW this bonus challenge is great! okay maybe not So great :)
I have never been much of a veggie eater. I love stuff fresh from the garden but since everything is frozen, that option is out!  What are some good ways to get all those extra veggies in, without slipping them under the table to the dog??

I hope you are all doing well and having a good start to your week!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Cheer!

I know things will be getting crazy today, so I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas!  I wish us all luck in keeping it a healthy and satisfying holiday this year.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Hey blue team, congrats on being first again last week! Time is going by so quickly for me; I hardly feel like it's been five and half weeks since we started. I'm glad to have you as teammates - you've been so positive and encouraging. 

This week I've really been enjoying the bonus challenge. I've taken time to journal, read, take a nice bath, and laugh - all things I really need to feel well. I've also been hungrier than usual, so I've been eating more calories. And I've lost more weight. I'm always impressed with how my body knows what it needs and I how can find better health by listening to its cues. 

I'm officially back to my pre-mission weight. I don't know what I weighed at other points in my life, but I have my paperwork from my pre-mission physical. I was in great health at the time, so that has been a measure I've been able to use. I'm excited that I only have a little more to go to reach my goal.

I avoided the buffet of various forms of sugar available at work and at my internship. It helps when I realize that most of the treats are just different incarnations of high-fructose corn syrup, each with its own mix of chemicals and preservatives to make for a longer shelf life. If you make it sound like poison - and it often is poison - then it's not very tempting at all.

What successes have you had this week?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Nice work, BLUE!  You are a grrrrreat team!

I woke up too early and decided to try a new workout.  I found this on Netflix Instant Play and was pleasantly surprised.  Let's be honest, a lot of the instant play workouts are...ummm....lame?  My favorite quote from the video, "It's about progress, not perfection."  I find that applies to all areas of our lives not just the physical.  I think (at least for me) that it's easy to get caught up in where we are lacking, instead of how far we've come and the direction we're continuing to move.  Thanks, team, for reminding me to keep moving in the right direction!  Have a great day!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Sweet Success

So I know I already made my contact on the E-mail, but I was excited to share my success this week and forgot to in the E-mail.

I lost 6 Pounds this week!!! I was so excited to get off the scale and see that I had lost more weight this morning.

Wahoo for Weight loss!  I Love to see the numbers go down on that lovely scale of mine :)

Keep up all the good work Team!!


Greetings blue team. I hope you are all well and ready to relax this week. I am grateful for the bonus challenge this week. What a great idea!
I read about a study (that I haven't managed to find for you) having to do with stress and weight gain. Two groups of mice were overfed and one group was exposed to various types of stress. The second group wasn't. Both groups gained weight, but the non-stressed group gained it evenly and the stressed group gained in the mid-section - around the vital organs. Crazy, right? This is all the more reason to take time to relax. Stress management is part of a healthy lifestyle, too. Thanks for reminding us, Kali.

Also, I'd like to report that I didn't eat anything fried last week even though I was sorely tempted - and I lost two more pounds.

Nice work on your challenges. It's been fun to see what everyone was up to - we all have our various vices. Last week was a good chance to own up and take charge.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Addition

Olivia or Emmalee? - 12/15/10

Ethan - 12/11/07
Valerie and Justin had a beautiful baby girl on Wednesday afternoon around 2:30.  As of last night, there was still a name debate going on.  But she was 6 lb. 14 oz., and she has more hair than my 3-year-old.  Speaking of her hair, compare that awesome head of hair to this picture of her brother taken three years ago.  Do you think they're related?  I sure hope Valerie keeps names or dates on the back of all her photos.  Congratulations, guys!  Nice work!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A moment on the lips....

Forever on the hips!
Today my teacher brought baklava to class. Without thinking about it, I popped a piece in my mouth. What?!? There went my no white flour goal for the day AND my dessert. Luckily I haven't had my treat day yet - so I'm not losing points in two categories. But Dang!
This situation makes me realize how often I simply pop things into my mouth without thinking. My whole life is filled with incidental munching. No wonder I have always struggled with my weight.
No more incidental munching - I want to be a purposeful eater. I want to enjoy my food and my life.
So sorry everyone for the points lost - but I am going to work extra hard to make up for it. Let's go Blue Team!

Health & Indulgence Update

First, I want to let you know that I'm working hard to get every single point after a pitfall last week.  Kevin's work Christmas party was Thursday night at 7:30.  I thought surely I would be done with dinner by 9:00 and would perhaps pass on dessert..  Unfortunately, appetizers were served at 8:25, and my salad and dinner roll didn't arrive until 9:03.  I sat there debating whether I should have my entire $50 meal boxed up and call it a night.  But instead, I ate dinner after 9 p.m. and lost my 2 points that day.  I guess I won't be perfect this challenge.  However, I got all of my other points last week and I'm planning to get all the rest of my points in the second half of this challenge. 

In other news, I went to a physical therapist on Monday to seek relief from my aches and pains.  I found out that my pelvis has rotated forward on the right side, causing all sorts of pinching and pulling of nerves, ligaments, and muscles.  I am now doing exercises to strengthen the muscles and shift the bones back into place.  I am hopeful that my condition will possibly improve, and - worst case scenario - not get worse than it's been.  I will continue going back to the physical therapist regularly until the situation is under control, AND I am still alright to exercise.  (I had even talked to my mom about taking my place if I had to withdraw from the competition.)

So, like each of you, I had a difficult time deciding on which of my many vices to eliminate this week.  I have chosen to cut out those unplanned snacks and second helpings that I eat just because the food is there.  So far so good, and I've felt much more in control of myself.

As for our team coming in second last week, I think we all need to really buckle down for the next three weeks  and be extra-intense.  Christmas and New Year's will break some teams.  Let's not let it break us.

Running Again

I'm usually more of a distance runner, but with tendinitis in my knees and my lack of ability to take any anti-inflammatory meds, such as Aleve, due to pregnancy, has caused my running schedule to take a back seat these last few weeks.  Also, all that fatigue/nausea has been getting in the way, too.  Well, HAPPILY, I actually woke up with a bit of energy this morning with NO nausea and hopped on the treadmill.  I only made it 1.5 miles before I decided I better be cautious about how I proceed with my knees/IT Band.  I power walked the rest of the total 3 miles.  I feel with good stretching, massage and icing, I should be back up to 3 miles in a couple of weeks.

I'm learning a bit about myself this pregnancy and challenge.  I need an immediate goal to help me push toward the health I desire.  The accountability of a team helps, but sadly isn't proving to always be enough to help me through the rough moments this time around.  No offense team, you all seem really great and are working hard.  I realized today that this is the first time in a couple of years that I haven't been "in training" for some sort of race.  I miss the enthusiasm, the thrill, the determination, and dedication required to prepare for a race.  For some reason I can't seem to relate those same qualities to videos.  I need a "purpose" behind my workouts beyond good health (since a bikini body is obviously out of the question for the next year).  My purpose has always been a race, whether it was a 5K, 10K or Half Marathons.  So, with that in mind....instead of training for a Half Marathon, which I don't think would be wise for me right now (for some, yes, not me, not now) I'm going to work toward staying in shape to run the 5K in Salt Lake City this spring.  That is April 16, 2011.  I will be 27 weeks and if I'm still feeling good, I don't see a reason why I couldn't run the scant 3 miles.  I certainly won't be worrying about improving my time, but it should give me something to focus on when I want to reach for those holiday cookies, second helpings of dinner or skip a workout.  Wish me luck!

Monday, December 13, 2010

I Love the Blue Team

I am grateful for all my "Blue" friends!
I am so impressed with all of your week 5 challenge goals! I have thought about this one long and hard and am still struggling with what to do, Clearly I have to many "bad" habits to choose from :)
I was talking to a friend from one of the other teams, and she was discouraged with her team. I told her what a great and motivated team we have, I felt like I was bragging, but It's TRUE!  So thanks everyone for working so hard!
Good Luck this week with completing your goals! You Can Do It!!!
I will have my "indulgence" figured out soon and then I'll share it later!

little indulgences

Hey team. This week I'm going to give up fried things. My cravings for spring rolls, chips, or french fries have been crazy intense this challenge. And let's face it, if I'm trying to get in a serving of vegetables, deep fried potatoes are hardly helping more than hurting. I think I may not be eating enough good fats to help me feel full. I'll just have to pay closer attention this week.

Good luck to you with overcoming your indulgences. Some of them sound a bit tough, but you can do it.

In other news, Clark has recently become an exercise machine and he's inspiring me to do more. I can't wait to measure and weigh in tonight to see our progress.


On top of my little fridge at work is a package of tasty, 90 cal, chocolate chip granola bars. In the drawer of my desk are low-fat wheat thins. Both I've come to depend upon since I no longer hit the candy machine at 2:00 p.m.

They have become their own addiction. Even though I rationalize it by consuming them with raw vegies, they set me up for continued carb cravings. So this week, I'm eliminating them both as part of this challenge. I have vegies in the fridge and two Clementine oranges on my desk.

Perhaps the biggest challenge and opportunity I have this week is being home from Wednesday through Jan 5th (Christmas break). It is an opportunity to get to the gym more often, but it is a challenge because of the treats that seem to appear out of nowhere - from families to friends and neighbors. I'd appreciate any tips anyone has to offer . . . good luck to all!

Time to Commit

It's hard for me to choose an indulgence this time around.  Being in my first trimester of pregnancy it's hard to say what food will actually sound/taste good at any given time anyway.  I thought about second helpings, though I choose that one nearly every challenge I'm on.  I think my biggest problem as of late has been eating out.  That sounds strange to me since we didn't use to eat out at all, but since I've been pregnant it's become quite frequent.  I'm tired, nothing sounds good, nothing tastes good, so we pick something up or go out real quick so I don't have to cook or clean up.  As convenient as it seems, it's a drain on finances and it's a drain on nutrition. Just about the only place it's filling is my waistline (added calories and sodium = bloating/water retention)  So, this week no matter what's going on in our lives, even if it's my husband's turn for dinner and he wants to order in, I'll be eating my healthy leftovers instead.  Go team!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Wow! Our challenge for next week is to eliminate something from our diet that is stopping us from losing weight. I know what mine is. White flour. I love tortillas, bagels, pasta! and once I start I have a hard time stopping. So, for next week I am going to eliminate all white flour from my diet. Yikes!
I have loved our challenge this week. I have really noticed this week how good I am feeling. I find myself dancing while I am brushing my teeth and running up the stairs in my house. Exercise is great!
Keep going team!

Friday, December 10, 2010

virtual eating

I read this today. I found it interesting and thought you would enjoy it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Yummy Veggies

Every time I get on to this site I find my eyes are drawn to our lovely frame of vegetables. Just seeing such colorful, crisp food makes me feel refreshed and energetic. I love what all these delicious veggies do for my health and well-being.
Happy crunching everyone!

Thank you Blues . . .

Wow. Just found out that our blue team won again this week - so wonderful to be on a "Winning team." I was never into team sports as a kid (I was always the last one to be picked), so I've always been a bit independent when it came to competitions. Even though I've only met one person on our team, I've come to admire all of you. Thanks for inspiring me to become more of a team player. It's working!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Excited for Week Four!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I love Kali's weekly challenges. Usually, I hate recording my food, but reporting it on a daily basis somehow made it easier. I'm thinking I may just continue to keep track of what I consume - it's a good check and balance for the kind of self-delusion that emotional eaters like myself are prone to . . .

I was pleased with my 2 lb loss this week (3 if you count losing the pound I gained last week). It really shows how awareness and breaking the sweet chain can do wonders. Food tastes better, I'm calmer and more centered, and ultimately more productive at home and at work.

Well, gotta run up & down the stairs a few times - have a good day/week!


In this for the long haul

We all must be on like wavelengths. I've just read Suzy and Stacy's post from last night about struggling and pushing through. My thought - ditto. Years ago I was put on medication which produced a magic weight gain affect. After gaining 65lbs, I cried uncle to my doctor arguing that obesity was just as damaging as the issue I was initially prescribed for. I was put on different medication, but that just meant the weight no longer zoomed up. I still had to take it all back off. I got the first 20lbs off after a great deal of persistence and then hit a huge road block. I've been near that weight for the last 3 1/2 years. Today when I stepped on the scale the number reflected a bitter-sweet moment for me. I didn't have a huge weight loss week - rats! I hit the 30 lb mark from my all time high - yes!
To all my team mates who may only take off a little each week even though you have produced a Herculean effort to do so (and to myself) may I say, "Inch by inch, life is a cinch. Yard by yard, it's very hard."
Thank you so much for inspiring me to finally be able to find the strength to push through. The power of team is phenomenal.
I'm off to lift some weights - focusing on losing inches this week :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 4- Means we are 1/2 way through!

I really can't believe that we are on week 4 and at the end of the week preparing to report our inches lost.
I know that during the 1st challenge, I was slightly discouraged to see the small amount of inches lost and then thinking about it, in only 4 weeks, I Really had done well. I know that during this challenge I will see a smaller amount of inches lost and I'm trying to be okay with it.  I have been having some health problems for the last couple months and this challenge has been just that some days! I told Kali that I wasn't sure how well I would do on this challenge because my body is just not functioning at 100%. It's extremely frustrating to me, because I want to feel like I'm giving it my all, and well it's just not happening. I have been able to get all my exercise in,  and sometimes I have to do what I can for as long as I can and then do more later, but I'm determined to get my points and so I'm working hard to make it work. I have realized that no matter the outcome of this challenge weight wise,  I am working on becoming a healthier ME and accomplishing my 100% goal!
I'm grateful for a team who is willing to work hard and be accountable. I also know from experience that when you are on a team where everyone is working hard,  it makes me want to work, that much harder to get all my points. Keep up all the hard work Blue Team!!! You are ALL great :)

Also Checking In

Crazy Crazy CRAZY life. doing homework 24/7 this week and I feel a little out of it. Each night after the kids go to bed I gulp down my 45 minutes of exercise, drink my final ounces of water, and fall into bed. Staying active and healthy this week has been difficult because I have always loved to snack while studying and because studying is not active work. I feel like I've been sitting all week. I can't wait for finals to be over!!!
I'm excited for our challenge next week because it will help me to get moving. Exercise and movement are so important!
Meanwhile team - you inspire me to do better! Thanks for all of your helpful posts and emails. Let's have a great week!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Checking In

I think I am feeling a little out of it at times.  I have been getting far too little sleep.  Too bad we're not doing the sleep challenge.  I've had a hectic week, and I haven't been on the blog for a while.  I agree with so many of your comments and appreciate how hard you all work to be healthy and accountable.  As for my health, I improve just a little bit every day.  I feel blessed that I have been able to continue exercising without aggravating the pain too much.  I have to admit that I took my sweets day on Wednesday because I had two meetings in the evening where I knew treats would be served.  But the junk I ate earlier in the day filled me up so much that I didn't even have an appetite for the desserts at my meetings.  Oh well.  Then yesterday, my dear neighbor Stacy brought over dinner for my family--chicken fajitas  with a bottle of orange soda pop.  My kids know I never drink soda, just from personal preference.  But I took a little swig after dinner to remember what I'm missing.  My five-year-old, in complete seriousness, asked, "Are you going to tell your team you had a sweet?  Because I know you're trying not to eat sweets and that pop has sugar in it."  I love having people look out for me to make healthy choices, even if it's my five-year-old!  Have a great weekend, everyone.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm Still Here

Just a quick note to let you all know I'm still here.  I had a rough night last night, but ready to pick myself up and keep moving forward today.  Valerie and I did the Biggest Loser Boot Camp workout this morning and though I was pretty tired, it felt good to have it done and to have worked so hard.  Keep up the good work team!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Feeling better all the time

Most of you are too young to remember the Beatle's song with the lyrics of "Feeling better all the time - better - better - better," but it came to my mind when I started this post because it is SO true.

I didn't do super well over Thanksgiving, but I must not have overeaten too much because it was a pleasure to get back in the routine and I have already lost the pound I gained (confession)! Eating sensibly really does increase energy and improve sleep. The weight loss, however slow, is an added perk. I try not to think too much about it (I have a lot to lose. . . ) and more about just the healthy aspects of what we are doing and making some permanent changes.

I have a work-related luncheon to attend tomorrow, but I've planned for it to be my sweet day since I know The Cellar will offer not only a lovely lunch, but an even lovelier desert, which I can enjoy without guilt!